FOR SSUETThis website is dedicated for the students of Sir Syed University (SSUET) as a reference for the subject Power Electronics for the 5th Semester Electronics students. This subject is being taught by Professor Dr. Syed Enam-ul-Haque (Dean, Faculty of Engineering - B.Sc. Engg. (Hons), M.S. (Cornell, USA) Ph.D. (Bradford, U.K.) MIEEE (USA), FIEEE (Pak) and Muhammad Aamir (Lecturer, batch 95).
This site is maintained by Muhammad Aamir and Faraz Ahmed (Batch 96).
Here are the RESUME of Muhammad Aamir and Faraz Ahmed.
Message from Prof. Dr. Syed Enamul Haque
Reference Course Material
Download ICAP 4
Project No.1: Dual Polarity Power Supply
Project No.2: Digital Firing Circuit
Practicals (Available at Photocopy shop near SSUET)
Previous Exams Question papers: Batch 1995 ; Batch 1996 ; Batch 1997
Textbook: Course notes will be provided prior to the start of the course. In addition, each student will
have access to recommended books, mentioned in course-outline.
1. To provide an introduction to power electronic conversion principles.
2. Analytical techniques will be developed through the study of the more widely used power converter circuits.PREREQUISITES BY TOPIC
Electronic instrumentation; diode and transistor models for switches; electronics of digital circuits;
Polyphase ac circuit; Fourier Series; Integration of Trigonometric Functions; Transients in RL circuits.
This web site contains Reference Material in the form of PDF files, which can only be viewed by Acrobat Reader. Get Acrobat Reader.
For comments, suggestions and assistance, contact Mr Muhammad Aamir.
This page has been last updated on 22nd July 2000.